
Confluences Francophones (Intermediate French)


$35 per student for a limited time! Price for Fall 2025 will be $50 per student.

Engage your intermediate French students with this course highlighting the language and cultures of the Francophone world. Students will explore Guadeloupe, France, and Québec as they learn to express their opinions on themes such as music, cuisine, language, identity, sports, and culture.


This two-semester Intermediate French course presents an integrated approach to studying the French language and culture at the intermediate level by zooming in and out across three Francophone cities: Pointe-à-Pitre in Guadeloupe, Lyon in France, and Montréal in Québec. Each lesson centers authentic video resources and textual documents. Each lesson is introduced with a Micro-trottoir video, or short interviews with locals about their everyday life. Other lesson videos include Un.e expert.e parle, in which students listen to experts like professors, museum directors, musicians, and politicians talk about their expertise on themes like public transportation, history, language and identity, race, and music. Finally, you will experience Entre amis videos, in which friends converse about their daily lives (e.g., deciding where to go to dinner, discussions while watching a hockey match).

The course includes literary and cultural reading and analysis, listening comprehension activities, grammar, and intensive practice activities in written and spoken French. This course explores the history, transportation, music, foods, and architecture of Francophone cities with an aim to foster cross-cultural awareness and self-realization while developing proficiency in French.

What students will learn

By the end of this course, students will learn to:

  1. Compare and contrast Francophone cities through speaking, writing, and multimodal compositions.
  2. Synthesize textually and orally the main ideas of authentic interviews with historians, politicians, artists, museum directors and locals from Francophone cities. 
  3. Write narrative and descriptive essays with complex sentences describing the past, present, and future as well as necessary or hypothetical situations.
  4. Express their own opinions in conversations on a variety of daily life and cultural topics including transportation, art, food, and urbanism.

Learning objectives by module


Course assessments, activities, and outline

UNIT 1: Introduction

UNIT 2: Pointe-à-Pitre

Module 1: Introduction à Pointe-à-Pitre

Module 2: Esclavage et abolition

Checkpoint: Épreuve linguistique

Project: Poste sur les réseaux sociaux sur l’histoire du nom de la Guadeloupe

Module 3: De colonie à région française 

Checkpoint: Épreuve linguistique

Project: Enregistrement oral pour un musée

Module 4: La rue Frébault

Checkpoint: Épreuve linguistique

Project: Histoire digitale: les rues de votre ville

Module 5: Portraits de femmes à Pointe-à-Pitre, littéraires et médias

Checkpoint: Épreuve linguistique

Project: Publicité pour la Journée Internationale de la Femme

Module 6: Le projet de rénovation urbaine

Checkpoint: Épreuve linguistique

Project: Proposition pour les travaux à votre université

Module 7: Le Mémorial ACTe

Checkpoint: Épreuve linguistique

Project: Une exposition pour le Mémorial ACTe

Module 8: La musique à Pointe-à–Pitre

Checkpoint: Épreuve linguistique

Project: Vlog sur un concert

Module 9: La Route du Rhum

Checkpoint: Épreuve linguistique

Project: Vidéo publicitaire pour un événement sportif 

Unit 3: Lyon

Module 10: La Capitale des Gaules

Checkpoint: Épreuve linguistique

Project: L’architecture chez vous 

Module 11: La Capitale de la Résistance

Checkpoint: Épreuve linguistique

Module 12: Lyon Centre

Checkpoint: Épreuve linguistique

Module 13: La vie en périphérie

Checkpoint: Épreuve linguistique

Project: Rédaction sur la vie en banlieue 

Module 14: La Vélorution du Vélo’v

Checkpoint: Épreuve linguistique

Project: Rédaction sur le transport public 

Module 15: Un projet controversé: Confluence

Checkpoint: Épreuve linguistique

Project: Rédaction sur la transformation des villes

Module 16: L’art en ville, ville en art

Checkpoint: Épreuve linguistique

Project: Analyse d’une fresque lyonnaise

Module 17: La cuisine lyonnaise

Checkpoint: Épreuve linguistique

Project: Un courriel pour planifier une soirée

Unit 4: Montréal

Module 18: Introduction

Module 19: L’histoire de Montréal

Checkpoint: Épreuve linguistique

Project: Infographie pour l’Immigration Québec

Module 20: Langue et révolution

Checkpoint: Épreuve linguistique

Project: Conversation sur la langue et l’identité

Module 21: Le transport et l’urbanisme

Checkpoint: Épreuve linguistique

Project: Une lettre au gouvernement municipal 

Module 22: Montréal linguistique

Checkpoint: Épreuve linguistique

Project: Un paysage linguistique

Module 23: Les quartiers

Checkpoint: Épreuve linguistique

Project: Des conseils pour déménager 

Module 24: Manger à Montréal

Checkpoint: Épreuve linguistique

Project: La nourriture et l’identité 

Module 25: Le hockey

Checkpoint: Épreuve linguistique

Project: Préparons une soirée de hockey 

Module 26: La musique en ville

Checkpoint: Épreuve linguistique

Project: Analyse multimodale d’une chanson québécoise

Other course details

Estimated time to complete: two semesters. Instructors can use this course for third and fourth semester college French, or for a third-year college “bridge” course (e.g., French Conversation).

January 2023

Project Director

  • Dr. Christopher M. Jones
  • Dr. Sébastien Dubreil
  • Dr. Natalie Amgott
  • Dr. Patricia Kyle Mosele

Contributing Authors

  • Natalie Amgott
  • Sébastien Dubreil
  • Christopher Jones
  • Yasmina Fawaz
  • Marie Léticée
  • Mame-Fatou Niang
  • Clémence Ozel
  • Heather Pelletier
  • Sophie Queuniet
  • Brett Wells

Technical Team

  • Dylan Barclay: videographer and editor
  • Marc Siskin: online learning technologist
  • Jacob Weiss: sound engineer and editor
  • Catherine Wetmore: videographer and lead editor

Funding Credits

  • Carnegie Mellon University: Language Online in the Department of Modern Languages
  • University of Texas, Austin: video production

System requirements

OLI system requirements, regardless of course:

  • internet access
  • an operating system that supports the latest browser update
  • the latest browser update (Chrome recommended; Firefox, Safari supported; Edge and Internet Explorer are supported but not recommended)
  • pop-ups enabled
  • cookies enabled

Some courses include exercises with exceptions to these requirements, such as technology that cannot be used on mobile devices.

This course’s system requirements:

  • If the student is working with an instructor in a distance-learning situation, chat environment and videoconferencing software.

Cost and payment options

$25 per student

Students are prompted for payment during the OLI course registration process, and can pay with a credit card or an OLI Payment Code purchased from your campus bookstore.

The two payment options presented to students during their OLI course registration process: credit card payment or OLI Payment Code redemption.
Learn about offering OLI Payment Codes in your bookstore.

Bulk discounts and alternative payment arrangements are available, including institutional or departmental payments. Learn about discounts and payment options.

Included instructor tools

Instructors who teach with OLI courses benefit from a suite of free tools, technologies, and pedagogical approaches. Together they equip teachers with insights into real-time student learning states; they provide more effective instruction in less time; and they’ve been proven to boost student success.

If you’d like to update an OLI course for your students, or even develop a new course or program of study, contact OLI Support for information about the OLI Author platform.

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OLI Website:
New look and
New student registration process

OLI’s website has undergone a refresh, and so has the student registration process. Watch the video to see how easily students can register with a Course Key.

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