Evidence-based training for grading and providing feedback on quantitative work, including problem sets, code, and written responses.
Evidence-based training for grading and providing feedback on quantitative work, including problem sets, code, and written responses.
How can you grade efficiently, effectively, and fairly? How can you simultaneously give your students feedback that will maximize their learning? These online modules will focus on evidence-based strategies for grading and providing feedback on quantitative work, such as problem sets, code, and written responses. In these modules, participants will explore the relationship between grading and feedback, strategies for grading efficiently and fairly, the characteristics of effective feedback, and research on the impacts of different types of feedback on student learning. Through practice exercises, participants will practice analyzing and improving examples of feedback on student work. Participants will also practice grading and providing feedback using rubrics.
Please email eberly-assist@andrew.cmu.edu with questions or for help with setting up your TA Training course