
Evidence-Based Management — Open & Free

Begin to strengthen your EBM skills and critical mindset to improve the quality of your decisions.


These open & free course modules will introduce you to the basic concepts and skills of evidence-based management (EBM). The modules are directly relevant to current and future managers, leaders, consultants and policymakers who desire to improve the quality and outcome of their decision-making.

Managers, business leaders, consultants, and policymakers are required to take action based on their decisions, and such decisions may have profound impacts on employees, customers and clients, the organization, and society more widely. But how good are such decisions? How can we ensure that they get hold of, accurately interpret, and make use of the best available evidence in their decision-making?

Although EBM sounds straightforward, gathering, understanding and applying evidence requires a particular set of skills and practical knowledge. These modules will develop your basic evidence-based skills and enhance your understanding of how an evidence-based approach can support your organization’s decision-making.

The full certification course can be found here.

OLI Website:
New look and
New student registration process

OLI’s website has undergone a refresh, and so has the student registration process. Watch the video to see how easily students can register with a Course Key.

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