


Help students learn to resolve conflict effectively in any class with significant team projects.

Faculty teaching a course with a significant team project component (more than 5 weeks) can embed this innovative mini-course to help their students be more successful in group activities.


Along with CollaborationU, ConflictU is part of the “Collaboration Suite.”

This 1-unit mini-course teaches introductory conflict resolution skills. It is designed to embed in courses with a significant team project component, assigned when student teams are formed. The course challenges the student to lead a team of peers in a real-world situation. Like in real life, the team’s project requires coordinating a wide array of skills, opinions, and personalities. The initial decisions and conflicts the student encounters will shape both the team dynamics and the product the team makes. Students will learn the importance of finding out everyone’s views and feelings, and how to delve deeper and identify the key interests or needs that must be addressed in order to resolve conflicts constructively.

CMU instructors ONLY, please contact The Eberly Center for assistance with ConflictU. They’ll help you get started and remove the fee for your students; OLI materials are free for all CMU applications. If the button below doesn’t work in your browser, please email eberly-assist@andrew.cmu.edu for help.

OLI Website:
New look and
New student registration process

OLI’s website has undergone a refresh, and so has the student registration process. Watch the video to see how easily students can register with a Course Key.

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