


Help students learn to collaborate effectively in any class with significant team projects.

Faculty teaching a course with a significant team project component (more than 5 weeks) can embed this innovative mini-course to help their students be more successful in group activities.


Along with ConflictU, CollaborativeU is part of the “Collaboration Suite.”

This 2-unit mini-course teaches introductory teamwork, primarily basic diversity and conflict communication skills. It is designed to embed in courses with a significant team project component, assigned when student teams are formed.  It sets expectations for high-performance teams, and research has shown that it improves students’ understanding of and attitudes towards teamwork, leading to higher peer review scores and greater efficacy. The 2-3 hour experience includes both online and in-team learning activities.

CMU instructors ONLY, please contact The Eberly Center for assistance with CollaborativeU. They’ll help you get started and remove the fee for your students; OLI materials are free for all CMU applications. If the button below doesn’t work in your browser, please email eberly-assist@andrew.cmu.edu for help.

OLI Website:
New look and
New student registration process

OLI’s website has undergone a refresh, and so has the student registration process. Watch the video to see how easily students can register with a Course Key.

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