
French 1 — Instructor-Led for Independent Learners


Spring 2025 registration is now open. Classes begin the week of January 13.

14 weeks of Zoom classes and online course materials. Less than $7.00 per class! 

Accelerated beginning level French language and culture course for adult learners, taught by Carnegie Mellon University faculty member Ester Hoogstaden for students with an intense desire to learn the language. Is French 1 or French 2 right for you?

Participants can earn a certificate of completion if they meet the requirements. 


Elementary French I is a carefully sequenced and highly interactive presentation of French language and culture in a media-rich course environment. The latest update includes an instructor-led version of the course with scored assessments for independent learners, and video shot in France and Québec with young professional actors.

In the instructor-led course, you will have a weekly synchronous Zoom class (60-minutes) in which you will get the opportunity to practice your French speaking, grammar, and vocabulary skills with your peers. You will also receive weekly emails from your instructor with suggested pacing for moving through the lesson materials. Additionally, you will be able to email your instructor with any questions you may have about the course.

To successfully use this course, you should be a motivated adult student (aged 18 and up) with a sincere desire to learn about French language and francophone cultures, and be comfortable with computer technologies. Elementary French 1 is a great place to brush up on your French or begin your French learning journey from scratch. 

To receive a Certificate of Completion in this course, you will need to score at least 70% on each of the the end of lesson assessments. To be awarded a Certificate with Distinction, you will need to score at least 90% on each of the end of lesson assessments. Attending the weekly course meetings and doing the auto-graded exercises throughout each lesson will help prepare you for success on the end of lesson assessments.The time commitment will typically range from seven to nine hours a week.

Click here for information on instructor-led language courses

Additional software or materials required:

You will be required to use videoconferencing software, such as Zoom, which you will be able to use for free with the link that your instructor provides you. 

Topics covered:

Introductions, Origins, Studies, Age, Appearance, Personality, Preferences, Activities, Time, The Family, The Home, Work, Meals, Restaurants, and Shopping.

Each lesson opens with a video dramatization that sets the context for the lesson. Parts of the video are then replayed in a variety of interactive activities and tutors. Each video in the course was written specifically to serve as the foundation for the lesson in which it is used. These high quality videos were produced with French actors on location in France (Nantes) and Quebec (Montreal) so the speech, movements and contexts are authentic.

Lesson structure:

The beginning of each lesson is always a set sequence, from simple recognition of language in a video dialogue, through explicit learning of grammar and pronunciation, to written and spoken production of variations on that language. After this ordered beginning, a number of activities are offered to the student in which the language learned is used in understanding new texts, sounds or videos or in creative production (conversation or writing).

French 1 might be right for you if any of the following apply French 2 might be right for you if any of the following apply
You have never taken French before, and you are willing to put in around 9 hours per week to studying this course. You have taken at least one semester of college French or two years of high school French, in the recent past.
You took some French in high school or college, but it has been several years since. You remember most of the basics that you have learned in French. You’re comfortable with verbs in the present tense, avoir, être, and faire.
You would like to learn the fundamental French structures and vocabulary for greetings, personality, dates and times, age, appearance, hobbies, work, family, and food. You can introduce yourself, say your age and origin, and talk about what you like to do in French.
You may have some self-study in the form of French language learning apps, but you’re looking to formalize what you know and to learn more. You have been exposed to speaking and writing in the past in French. There is a review of passé composé and imparfait in the beginning of French 2, but it helps if you’ve already seen the passé composé.
You just moved to a French-speaking place, but do not yet feel comfortable speaking French in your surroundings. You may not have had formal study, but you have had extensive self-study with French in the form of using language learning apps and or books consistently for at least a year.
You want to travel to a French-speaking country after this course and to communicate with customer service individuals in French. You have extensive experience learning another Romance language, like Spanish or Italian, and you also know a little bit of French.
No one in your family speaks French. Your family speaks French and you can understand sometimes, but would like to feel more confident responding in French.

If you still have questions about whether to sign up for French 1 or 2, you can contact Natalie Amgott (namgott@andrew.cmu.edu).

Instructor-led course features

Instructor-Led Courses

$97per student
  • Instructor-led OLI courses enable independent learners to study a subject over a 14-week period with a weekly live class on Zoom with their instructor and peers. Courses are:

    • Taught by a Carnegie Mellon University Instructor
    • Not self-paced. There will be weekly deadlines and students will complete approximately one lesson per week.
    • Include a certificate of completion
  • Includes the learning materials and assessments, weekly live class on Zoom (60 minutes), weekly emails, and the ability to contact the instructor for questions

  • Certificate of Completion (70% or more on exams) or Certificate with Distinction (90% or more on exams) available to learners meeting the requirements

  • *If your teacher gave you a Course Key, do not use an Independent Paid course because your teacher will never see your work.

Important dates

You can enroll in French 1 — Instructor-Led for Independent Learners at any time through January 12, 2025.

  • Start date: January 13, 2025
  • End date: April 25, 2025

NOTE: Please visit the Zoom class schedule tab for information on your live Zoom meetings.

Zoom class schedule

Meet with your instructor and peers via Zoom:

  • Tuesdays 12:30-1:30pm Eastern Time (ET)

Use a time zone conversion tool to convert this to your local time.

What students will learn

By the end of this course, students will learn to:

  • recognize key elements of spoken exchanges.
  • become automatic with words and phrases that will be the foundation for their French.
  • comprehend and write written words and expressions.
  • identify correct grammatical forms.
  • Speak about themselves (introductions, family, origins, age, personality, work, activities).

Learning objectives by module

Leçon 1: Se présenter

  • Recognize key elements of spoken exchanges: Formal and informal greetings
  • Write words and expressions: Introducing oneself and others
  • Write words and expressions: Spelling
  • Write correct grammatical forms: Present tense conjugations of -er verbs
  • Write correct grammatical forms: Present tense conjugations of aller
  • Write correct grammatical forms: Stressed pronouns and subject pronouns
  • Distinguish between spoken sounds: Accent names, E sounds, Intonation, and nasal vowels
  • Distinguish between spoken sounds: The alphabet
  • Understand key cultural concepts: Personal space and greetings

Leçon 2: Les origines

  • Write words and expressions: Furniture
  • Write words and expressions: Nationality and origin
  • Write correct grammatical forms: Adjective agreement
  • Write correct grammatical forms: C’est and Ce sont
  • Write correct grammatical forms: Present tense conjugations of être
  • Distinguish between spoken sounds: Liaisons
  • Distinguish between spoken sounds: Present tense conjugations of être
  • Identify key cultural traits: Diversity in France
  • Identify key cultural traits: Francophone countries

Leçon 3: L’âge

  • Write appropriate responses: Age, weather, seasons, numbers
  • Write correct grammatical forms: Adjective agreement and word order
  • Write correct grammatical forms: Interrogative adjectives
  • Write correct grammatical forms: Negation
  • Write correct grammatical forms: Question formation
  • Distinguish between spoken sounds: Interrogative adjectives
  • Distinguish between spoken sounds: Masculine and feminine adjectives
  • Distinguish between spoken sounds: Numbers
  • Distinguish between spoken sounds: Questions and intonation
  • Understand key cultural concepts: French youth
  • Understand key cultural concepts: Winter in Quebec

Leçon 4: L’apparence

  • Write words and expressions: Appearance
  • Comprehend spoken words and expressions: Description of a person including age, physical appearance, and personality
  • Write words and expressions: Seasonal activities
  • Write correct grammatical forms: Negation
  • Write correct grammatical forms: Possessive adjectives
  • Write correct grammatical forms: Present tense conjugations of -er verbs
  • Distinguish between spoken sounds: Liaisons and possessive adjectives
  • Distinguish between spoken sounds: Singular and plural forms
  • Understand key cultural concepts: Weight in France

Leçon 5: Mes préférences

  • Comprehend written words and expressions: Preferences
  • Comprehend written words and expressions: Vacation plans
  • Identify correct grammatical forms: Visiter and rendre visite à
  • Identify correct grammatical forms: Discussing where someone lives using the verb habiter
  • Identify correct grammatical forms: Prepositions for going places
  • Write correct grammatical forms: The futur proche
  • Distinguish between spoken sounds: E sounds in -er verbs with accent changes
  • Distinguish between spoken sounds: Present tense conjugations of -er verbs
  • Understand key cultural concepts: French regions and departments
  • Understand key cultural concepts: Montréal
  • Understand key cultural concepts: Paris Plage

Leçon 6: Les activités

  • Comprehend written words and expressions: Indoor activities, music and sports
  • Write correct grammatical forms: Adverbs
  • Write correct grammatical forms: Demonstrative adjectives
  • Write correct grammatical forms: Interrogative pronouns qui, que, and quoi
  • Write correct grammatical forms: Jouer and faire
  • Distinguish between spoken sounds: Demonstrative adjectives ce vs. cet
  • Comprehend written words and expressions: Services offered at a fitness center
  • Understand key cultural concepts: Hockey in Québec

Leçon 7: L’heure

  • Write words and expressions: Making plans
  • Write words and expressions: Time
  • Write correct grammatical forms: Present tense conjugations of pronominal verbs
  • Write correct grammatical forms: The comparative
  • Write correct grammatical forms: Using “il faut” for necessity and obligation
  • Distinguish between spoken sounds: Expressions of time
  • Understand key cultural concepts: La Fête du Cinéma
  • Understand key cultural concepts: Movies in France

Leçon 8: La famille

  • Comprehend spoken words and expressions: Clothing and shopping 
  • Write words and expressions: Family
  • Identify correct grammatical forms: Indicative and imperative moods
  • Identify correct grammatical forms: Present tense conjugations of -re verbs
  • Identify correct grammatical forms: Present tense conjugations of regular -ir verbs
  • Identify correct grammatical forms: The passé composé with avoir
  • Identify correct grammatical forms: Using “il y a” with passé composé
  • Write correct grammatical forms: Present tense conjugations of -re verbs
  • Distinguish between spoken sounds: Present tense conjugations of irregular verbs ending in -ir
  • Understand key cultural concepts: Family in France and West Africa
  • Understand key cultural concepts: Fashion in France

Leçon 9: La maison

  • Write words and expressions: rooms of the house, household chores
  • Write words and expressions: Furniture
  • Write words and expressions: Household chores
  • Write words and expressions: Rooms of the house
  • Direct and indirect object pronouns
  • Write correct grammatical forms: Present tense conjugations of pouvoir, vouloir, and devoir
  • Write correct grammatical forms: The passé composé with avoir and être
  • Distinguish between spoken sounds: Forms of “tout”
  • Understand key cultural concepts: Distribution of household chores in French families

Leçon 10: Le travail

  • Write words and expressions: A job interview
  • Write words and expressions: Professions
  • Write correct grammatical forms: “C’est” and “il est” in the context of professions
  • Write correct grammatical forms: Forms of “tout”
  • Write correct grammatical forms: Present tense conjugations of pronominal verbs
  • Write correct grammatical forms: Present tense conjugations of savoir and connaître
  • Distinguish between spoken sounds: Present tense conjugations of pouvoir and vouloir
  • Understand key cultural concepts: French youth and the professional world
  • Understand key cultural concepts: Protection of the French language in Québec

Leçon 11: Les repas

  • Write words and expressions: Ordering at a restaurant, food and drink
  • Write correct grammatical forms: Expressions of quantity and the use of “de”
  • Write correct grammatical forms: Past participles
  • Write correct grammatical forms: Present tense conjugations of irregular verbs ending in -re
  • Write correct grammatical forms: Present tense conjugations of verbs ending in -cer and -ger
  • Write correct grammatical forms: The passé composé with avoir and être
  • Distinguish between spoken sounds: Final vowels in past participles
  • Understand key cultural concepts: A French nutritional guide
  • Understand key cultural concepts: Sugar houses in Québec

Leçon 12: Au restaurant

  • Write words and expressions: Invitations
  • Write words and expressions: eating at a restaurant
  • Write correct grammatical forms: Order of direct and indirect object pronouns
  • Write correct grammatical forms: The present conditional
  • Distinguish between spoken sounds: S sounds
  • Comprehend spoken words and expressions: Invitations
  • Understand key cultural concepts: Eating at a restaurant in France
  • Understand key cultural concepts: La poutine

Course outline

Before You Begin

Information for users

Leçon 1: Se présenter

Communication 1

Mots et expressions



Communication 2

Univers culturel

Activités de synthèse


Leçon 2: Les origines

Communication 1

Mots et expressions



Communication 2

Univers culturel

Activités de synthèse


Leçon 3: Les études

Communication 1

Mots et expressions



Communication 2

Univers culturel

Activités de synthèse


Leçon 4: L’âge

Communication 1

Mots et expressions



Communication 2

Univers culturel

Activités de synthèse


Leçon 5: L’apparence

Communication 1

Mots et expressions



Communication 2

Univers culturel

Activités de synthèse


Leçon 6: La personnalité

Communication 1

Mots et expressions



Communication 2

Univers culturel

Activités de synthèse


Leçon 7: Mes préférences

Communication 1

Mots et expressions



Communication 2

Univers culturel

Activités de synthèse


Leçon 8: Les activités

Communication 1

Mots et expressions



Communication 2

Univers culturel

Activités de synthèse


Leçon 9: L’heure

Communication 1

Mots et expressions



Communication 2

Univers culturel

Activités de synthèse


Leçon 10: La famille

Communication 1

Mots et expressions



Communication 2

Univers culturel

Activités de synthèse


Leçon 11: La maison

Communication 1

Mots et expressions



Communication 2

Univers culturel

Activités de synthèse


Leçon 12: Le travail

Communication 1

Mots et expressions



Communication 2

Univers culturel

Activités de synthèse


Leçon 13: Les repas

Communication 1

Mots et expressions



Communication 2

Univers culturel

Activités de synthèse


Leçon 14: Au restaurant

Communication 1

Mots et expressions



Communication 2

Univers culturel

Activités de synthèse


Other course details

  • Whether you want to brush up on French or are brand new to the language, this is an excellent class that starts with the basics and builds quickly. The weekly Zoom sessions are a wonderful way to get real-world practice as well as extra instruction from the professor. This is an amazing resource and an incredible value. I strongly recommend it for anyone who wants to learn French and fit college-level instruction into a busy schedule. (Rebecca, Spring 2022)

  • The teacher’s explanations have been excellent, she always answers emails on time and quickly. She is very professional. Excellent student material.  (Didier, Spring 2022

This course will be taught over 14 weeks.

Summer 2023

Project Director

  • Dr. Christopher M. Jones


  • Christopher Jones
  • Sophie Queuniet
  • Bonnie Youngs
  • Sébastein Dubreil

Contributing authors

  • Cary Campbell
  • Jennifer Lawrence
  • Brett Wells
  • Heather Allen
  • Patricia Mosele
  • Ester Hoogstaden 
  • Natalie Amgott

Technical Lead

  • Marc Siskin

XML coding & proofing

  • Mat Banner
  • Lauren Balderston
  • Cary Campbell
  • Anne Jackson
  • Elena Marusak
  • Aurora Zink
  • Ina Rastegar
  • Brandon Cheng

Tutor programming

  • John LaPlante (CTAT)
  • Ross Strader (OLI)
  • John Kowalski
  • Nick Leaf
  • Raphael Gachuhi

Media specialists

  • Cory Gavin
  • Young Hee (Wendy) Byun

Video production

  • Sébastien Marguet (2005)
  • Perso Clip (2006)
  • Jean-Pierre Serra, Expérience 7 Montréal (2008)
  • Anne Kmetyko (2008)

Actor recruitment

  • Adrienne Magneau (Nantes)
  • Geneviève Chantal-Hébert (Montréal)


  • Nantes
  • Norman Barreau-Gely
  • Morgane Maisonneuve
  • Mathilde Clavier
  • Martin Buraud
  • Marie-Gabrielle Pierre
  • Ahmed Adam
  • Élodie Houngbo
  • Trésor Mangasa
  • Montréal
  • Alice Pascual
  • Vincent Fafard
  • Patrick Dupuis
  • Christian Vyboh
  • Eve Meilleur
  • Maria-Eugénia Molina

Voice talent

  • Julien Comte
  • Anne Catherine Delmelle
  • Guillaume Pignol
  • Sophie Queuniet
  • Caroline Savalle

Funding credits

  • The Open Learning Initiative (Hewlett Foundation)
  • The Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center (National Science Foundation)
  • Carnegie Mellon University Department of Modern Languages
  • Ministry of External Relations of the Government of Quebec

System requirements

OLI system requirements, regardless of course:

  • internet access
  • an operating system that supports the latest browser update
  • the latest browser update (Chrome recommended; Firefox, Safari supported; Edge and Internet Explorer are supported but not recommended)
  • pop-ups enabled
  • cookies enabled

Some courses include exercises with exceptions to these requirements, such as technology that cannot be used on mobile devices.

This course’s system requirements:

  • Videoconferencing software
OLI Website:
New look and
New student registration process

OLI’s website has undergone a refresh, and so has the student registration process. Watch the video to see how easily students can register with a Course Key.

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