Math for independent learners.

  • Logic & Proofs

    An introductory logic course, designed for students from a broad range of disciplines, from mathematics and computer science to drama and creative writing. It is also designed to reflect aspects of the logical tradition (going back to Aristotle) as well as the practical applicability (for example for the construction of Boolean circuits). Below one finds a detailed description of the course with many of its special features.
  • Introductory logic course designed for students from a broad range of disciplines, from mathematics and computer science to drama and creative writing. Learn about Open & Free OLI courses by visiting the “Open & Free features” tab below.
  • Introductory-level course teaches students the basic concepts of statistics and the logic of statistical reasoning. Designed for students with no prior knowledge in statistics, its only prerequisite is basic algebra. Includes a classical treatment of probability. Learn about Open & Free OLI courses by visiting the “Open & Free features” tab below.
  • Introductory-level course teaches students the basic concepts of statistics and the logic of statistical reasoning. Designed for students with no prior knowledge in statistics, its only prerequisite is basic algebra. Learn about Open & Free OLI courses by visiting the “Open & Free features” tab below.
  • The Student Cognition Toolbox (SCT) is a short course companion (or “sidecar”) introducing and providing direct practice in study strategies that are informed by learning science research. In this version of the SCT, material from introductory statistics is used to illustrate the application of the study strategies. This version gives examples and recommendations specifically for students studying Introductory Statistics.
  • This course provides a refresher of a core skill related to STEM careers: Mathematics from arithmetic to beginning algebra. Students will be better prepared for success in post-secondary STEM related technical programs and ultimately in STEM related careers. Learn about Open & Free OLI courses by visiting the “Open & Free features” tab below.
OLI Website:
New look and
New student registration process

OLI’s website has undergone a refresh, and so has the student registration process. Watch the video to see how easily students can register with a Course Key.

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