• Engineering Statics
    Open & Free

    Free for independent learners

Engineering Statics — Open & Free

A highly interactive and highly effective approach to learning Engineering Statics.
Learn about Open & Free OLI courses by visiting the “Open & Free features” tab below.


Statics is the study of methods for quantifying the forces between bodies. Forces are responsible for maintaining balance and causing motion of bodies, or changes in their shape. Motion and changes in shape are critical to the functionality of artifacts in the man-made world and to phenomena in the natural world.

Statics is an essential prerequisite for many branches of engineering, such as mechanical, civil, aeronautical, and bioengineering, which address the various consequences of forces.

This Engineering Statics course contains many interactive elements, spread throughout, to promote conceptual understanding and problem solving skills. These include: simulations, some with adjustable paramet ers controlled by the student, to help visualize concepts; “walk-throughs” that integrate voice and graphics to explain an example of the procedure or a difficult concept; and, most prominently, interactive exercises in which students practice problem solving, while receiving hints and feedback.

High school physics, algebra, and trigonometry are recommended prerequisites. Engineering Statics uses algebra and trigonometry and is suitable for use with either calculus- or non-calculus-based academic statics courses. Completion of a beginning physics course is helpful for success in statics, but not required as all the key concepts are included in this course.

Topics Covered:
  • Forces
  • Free Body Diagrams
  • Equilibrium of Simple Objects
  • Machines and Structures Joined by Engineering Connections
  • Trusses
  • Friction
  • Moments of Inertia
Changes in this Update Include:
  • New module 15: Annotated Practice Problems – Machines.
OLI Website:
New look and
New student registration process

OLI’s website has undergone a refresh, and so has the student registration process. Watch the video to see how easily students can register with a Course Key.

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