
November 2014

3 Ways Higher Ed is Making Learning More Personal

2019-02-15T17:13:50-05:00November 18th, 2014|All posts, Uncategorized|

The success of OLI's work with UC Davis in supporting biology students was highlighted by Director Daniel Greenstein on the Gates Foundation's Impatient Optimists blog: For many of today’s college students, courses can feel too large, too slow, or too fast—like they’re designed for somebody else. Where they are conducted through large lecture classes, they can

AAC&U Workshop – Digital and Blended Learning: Evolving Practices in STEM Education

2019-02-15T17:13:51-05:00November 3rd, 2014|All posts, Uncategorized|

OLI Director Norman Bier will lead a pre-conference workshop at the AAC&U 2014 Transforming STEM Higher Education: With technology breaking traditional barriers to research and knowledge formation, what are the implications for STEM teaching and learning in particular?  How can digital and blended learning be designed in ways that enhance the quality of learning and

October 2014

Norman Bier at JMC Summit on Higher Education

2019-02-15T17:13:51-05:00October 31st, 2014|All posts, Uncategorized|

OLI Director Norman Bier will be attending the Jack Miller Center's annual National Summit on Higher Education in Chicago, October 30 - November 1, 2014. Mr. Bier will provide remarks over lunch discussing the potential for learning science, technology and data to improve student learning outcomes in higher education. The Jack Miller Center describes the

OLI at Simo Educatión 2014: “Open Education, The University of the Future?”

2019-02-15T17:13:51-05:00October 15th, 2014|All posts, Uncategorized|

OLI Director Norman Bier will be speaking at Simo Educatión 2014 on Friday October 17, 2014. The event is entitled "Open Education, The University of the Future?" and brings together experts from across the open education movement, including Larry Cooperman of the Open Education Consortium and Cecilia D'Oliveira, from MIT's OCW and MITx projects. Mr. Bier

February 2013

OLI Website:
New look and
New student registration process

OLI’s website has undergone a refresh, and so has the student registration process. Watch the video to see how easily students can register with a Course Key.

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