
July 2012

August Webinar Dates

2019-02-15T17:13:53-05:00July 27th, 2012|All posts, Uncategorized|

Our next set of webinars in August have now been scheduled. Visit Webinars on Using OLI for the full schedule. From now on, you can bookmark that page for the most current listing of upcoming webinars. We look forward to seeing you there!

Study of OLI in the Wall Street Journal

2019-02-15T17:13:53-05:00July 21st, 2012|All posts, Uncategorized|

Columnist David Wessel wrote for The Wall Street Journal about technology and its role in managing costs of higher education. Wessel featured the recent Ithaka study of the OLI statistics course. "The most important single result of our study: It calls into question the position of the skeptic who says, 'I don't want to try

Integrating User Experience Into Course Development

2019-02-15T17:13:54-05:00July 12th, 2012|All posts, Uncategorized|

Integrating user experience (UX) into software development is something technology organizations face all of the time.  (More on how we do this at a later date). At OLI, we also integrate the practice into the development of our courses.  Although we only began doing this in a methodical way in 2011, we have started to

June 2012

Online Learning and Liberal Arts Colleges

2019-02-15T17:13:54-05:00June 30th, 2012|All posts, Uncategorized|

OLI is featured in the new article "Online Learning and Liberal Arts Colleges" at Inside Higher Ed. Many of the OLI’s current projects involve working to successfully usher more students through community college in less time. But the successful deployment of the online modules at Bryn Mawr suggests that the technology may be good for

The Herb Simon Connection

2019-02-15T17:13:54-05:00June 6th, 2012|All posts, Uncategorized|

If you've attended a presentation or seen a talk given by an OLI team member, you have no doubt seen this quote: "Improvement in post secondary education will require converting teaching from a solo sport to a community based research activity."Herb Simon We believe this is a powerful statement, which comes to us

OLI Website:
New look and
New student registration process

OLI’s website has undergone a refresh, and so has the student registration process. Watch the video to see how easily students can register with a Course Key.

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