
November 2022

Instructor-led French and Spanish with certificate of completion

2022-11-11T11:56:57-05:00November 11th, 2022|All posts, New tools and features, Of general interest|

Learn French or Spanish with a CMU professor and earn a certificate of completion OLI and the Carnegie Mellon University Modern Languages Department offer four instructor-led language courses each semester. These courses are available to anyone in the world, but roster numbers will be capped to ensure a manageable student-to-instructor ratio. Courses

See Torus, OLI’s latest authoring and delivery platform!

2023-04-17T15:27:28-04:00November 2nd, 2022|All posts, Blog, Events, New tools and features, Research focus, Torus|

See Torus, OLI's latest authoring and delivery platform! UPDATE: Watch the November 4 Torus Community demo recording: Mark your calendars for this Friday, November 4, 12:30 - 2pm ET, and join the OLI Team for the next Torus Community Meeting. We'll give a demo of the new Torus platform and

October 2022

Physics 1 & 2 now available

2022-10-20T14:08:28-04:00October 20th, 2022|All posts, New tools and features|

Physics 1 and Physics 2 courses now available OLI now offers College Physics 1 and College Physics 2 courses, available to instructors as a textbook replacement for use with their students. You can increase the benefit to students by including Physics Study Skills: The Student Cognition Toolbox. Learn More

Free pilot of new OLI research course

2022-10-19T17:11:45-04:00October 19th, 2022|All posts, New tools and features, Research focus|

A free pilot of OLI's new research course was announced at the What Works Global Summit 2022. A new OLI course titled "Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis" (SRMA) was announced at this year's What Works Global Summit 2022, hosted by the Campbell Collaboration. This graduate-level research course is a 2-year development effort between

November 2020

Life Sciences updates and a new Community

2020-11-19T16:48:25-05:00November 19th, 2020|All posts, New tools and features|

Life Sciences courses are being updated, and OLI is introducing a new Life Sciences Community OLI is targeting our Life Sciences courses for some highly anticipated improvements. Work is being done in Anatomy & Physiology, Introduction to Biology, and Modern Biology. We're also excited to announce a new Life Sciences OLI Community

OLI Website:
New look and
New student registration process

OLI’s website has undergone a refresh, and so has the student registration process. Watch the video to see how easily students can register with a Course Key.

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