The Open Learning Initiative has several on-going projects that are seeking collaborators. Some projects focus on research, while others focus on applying research to course design and instruction. However, we believe that research and applications of research go hand-in-hand and work best when considered together.
CC-OLI: Community College Courses
Opportunities in course evaluation.
Carnegie Mellon University, in collaboration with state agencies and national affinity groups, will establish a consortium of community colleges that will enact a large scale, systems-change process that increases efficiency in the way instruction is developed, delivered, evaluated, and continuously improved. The overarching goal is to demonstrate a 25% higher rate of course completion for students from vulnerable populations, with a focus on gatekeeper courses critical to graduation success. Within three years, the Community College Opening Learning Initiative (CC-OLI) will scale to 40 community college partners and will reach an additional 50-100 classrooms.
Course under development: Introduction to Statistics, Anatomy & Physiology, Introduction to Biology, and Introduction to Psychology.
State of Texas Large-Scale Evaluation Project
Opportunities in course evaluation at participating colleges in the state of Texas.
In collaboration with UT-Austin and multiple other universities, colleges and community colleges in Texas, we are conducting a large scale pilot to evaluate the effectiveness of OLI courses in supporting teaching and learning. The study will begin in summer 2012.
State of Washington Large-Scale Technical and Community College Evaluation Pilot
Opportunities in course evaluation at participating colleges in the state of Washington.
In collaboration with Washington State Board of Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) and multiple community colleges in Washington state, we are conducting a large scale pilot to evaluate the effectiveness of OLI courses in supporting teaching and learning. If you teach at a community and technical college in the state of Washington and are interested in participating in the evaluation study, let us know. The study will begin in spring 2012 and we have honorariums available for study participants.
OPEN: Supporting Grantees of Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College & Career Training Program from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)
Opportunities for TAACCT grantees.
In collaboration with Creative Commons, CAST and Washington State, provide infrastructure support and capacity building to grantees to help them meet the OER requirements of the grant and adopt best practices in learning design. If you are a recipient of the a DOL TAACCCT grant, you may be eligible for free learning design and development support from OLI.