As an instructor, you can add as many teaching assistants (TA) as you need. To add a TA, go to your Manage Course page. Locate the heading TAs on the right side of your screen. Under this heading is a link to add a TA. Enter their OLI account id and select the privileges that they will need.

Note: The TA will need to create an OLI account before you will be able to add them as a TA. However, he or she will not need to register for the course.

At any time, you will be able to edit a TA’s privileges or remove them as a TA. To do this, go to the TA section on your Manage Course page. Next to each listed TA, you will see a link “edit”. This link will take you to the “Edit Teaching Assistant” page. On the left you will be able to select or deselect permissions. On the right you will have the option to remove them as a TA.

Note: Removing a TA will remove them from the course.

Adding Instructors

The individual who built the course is the default instructor. There may be times when you will need to change the instructor or add additional instructors.

Please contact with any instructor change requests.