A Range of Resources

We have many step-by-step guides but also offer periodic webinars to help you through the process of getting started and to introduce advanced options.

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  • Set up a basic course
    Step-by-step instructions with screenshots.
  • Set up a customized course
    Customized courses let you rearrange content within a course, choose more detailed scheduling options for assignments, and allow you to add in content from another OLI curriculum (e.g. adding some statistics background for a biology course in which students will be reading research reports). Step-by-step instructions with screenshots are included.
  • LMS integration
    A simple LMS integration makes it easy for students to access your OLI course from your LMS (e.g. Blackboard, Moodle, Sakai, and others). Students will not need to create an OLI account, sign in to OLI, or register for your OLI course. This will all happen automatically when they click a special link in your LMS. This is more convenient for students because they can access all of your course materials from one place.


  • Add material from other curricula
    You can add modules from other OLI courses into your course. For example, if you were setting up a biology course in which students would need some statistics background, you could add in content from our statistics course.
  • Schedule activities
    The OLI environment includes a scheduling feature that allows you to set the dates when activities in the course are available to your students. When you have chosen to schedule assignments, these options are used to assist the system in tailoring schedule values to the needs of the course.
  • Create multiple, identical sections within the same semester
    If you are teaching a class in which the students are broken into groups, and you would like to track them in those groups, you may choose to have two instances of the same OLI course.
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It is crucial for your students to have correct, course-specific information before they can begin accessing your course. Be sure to send each student information regarding:

  • OLI course key.
  • How to create an OLI account.
  • Payment requirements for the course (if applicable).
  • System Test and Configure. Each course has its own unique content and therefore unique technical components; let students know that it is important for them to perform the System Test and Configure for each course they use.

Below are basic student instruction templates for creating an account and registering for your class. Please modify them as needed and send them to your students.

Instructions for Carnegie Mellon students

For Carnegie Mellon Students taking a free course
Sign_In-CMUStudentFree.doc – Download

For Carnegie Mellon Students taking a payment-required course
Sign_In-CMUStudent.doc – Download

Instructions for students from other universities

Sign_In-Student.doc – Download

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